Tag Archive for: self-employed

Non-QM Jumbo Loans – The Modern Mortgage

When your income is derived from investments, self-employment, or non-traditional assets, qualifying for a mortgage isn’t always a straightforward process. We understand that your financial picture might not fit a simple checklist. Non-QM Jumbo Loans offer a viable solution to help you qualify for a competitive loan and keep building build your wealth. Non-QM jumbo […]

How to Get a Mortgage When You’re Self-Employed

When you’re self-employed, qualifying for a mortgage isn’t always a straightforward process. While some homebuyers might compare online mortgage lenders for quick approval, your financial picture might not fit a simple checklist. That said, qualifying for a mortgage when you’re self-employed can be easier than you think–especially when you partner with a mortgage broker who […]

Why Lenders Ask You to Sign IRS Form 4506-T

One of the major changes in lending guidelines made nearly 10 years ago was making sure mortgage lenders verified income. Up until around 2008-2009, the proliferation of so-called “stated” and “no-doc” loans made getting a loan approval almost a no-brainer. Such loans also contributed to the housing crisis as those who wouldn’t normally be able […]