Top 3 Government-Backed Mortgage Loans

Financing a primary residence means having the most financing options available in today’s marketplace. For those wanting to buy and finance investment real estate there are fewer albeit very competitive choices. But with a primary residence, there are plenty and are divided into two basic categories- conventional and government-backed mortgage loans. A conventional loan is […]

How to Calculate a Jumbo VA Loan Amount

If you’re eligible for a VA loan and want to come to the closing table with as little money as possible, a VA loan is going to be hard to beat and for several reasons. The most popular is probably not requiring a down payment. That is at least up to the maximum VA loan […]

Divorce and Your Mortgage: What You Need to Know

Couples don’t enter into a marriage expecting it to soon end. Quite the opposite in fact, when they get married they do so “until death do us part” and are so much in love they couldn’t imagine being separated much less getting a divorce. Unfortunately, divorce is a real thing and too often marriages end. […]

Rent or Buy, Part 2: Pros & Cons of Renting

Depending on your age and the decade you grew up in, “conventional wisdom” on the topic of renting vs. buying a home could have varied tremendously. If for example you grew up in the 90s, you may have been brought up to believe that renting is just throwing money down a drain, and buying is […]

Rent or Buy, Part 1: Pros and Cons of Buying a Home

When it comes to the topic of renting vs. buying a home, one thing is likely—if you ask around, most of your friends and family are bound to have pretty strong opinions on it. You may know people who say, “Don’t take out a mortgage; you will just get trapped and find yourself underwater in […]